
beats by dre studio ack commander in chi

The world text chapter 135 stone fortress war(medium)
The patrol brought the latest intelligence report, 5,000 vomit a Fan soldier the mountain Ao in the stone fortress city back still place, but the surroundings is high security, Tang Jun as long as having the big activity affirmation will drive sentinel detection.
"Pitch a tent!"The one of Li Qing An makes low, ten several well-known scholar soldiers immediately take to have a small debt, Li Qing An and a few military officers drill a money income inside and have a candle in the debt middle point, and they quickly spread the map of patrol painting and found out the mountain Ao that stations to vomit a Fan soldier.
"His Niang of, the whole heap is together!"
The Li non- dollar gift suddenly exciting way:"Seven Langs, if we wrap with the explosive to bomb, this satisfies!It is a to all run not to drop."
White dollar light double boxing mutually shot, excited way:"Rightness!Sprinkle kerosene again, burn its Niang."
"Seven Langs, let's are dry!"
Several personal visions of expectation all hurl to Li Qing An, Li Qing An shakes to say with smile:"I certainly also think, but the commander in chief gives our time is four correct to launch, none of a moments early goes, will influence the whole war situation."
"But, if stone fortress city a disorderly, will light fire to ask for help, perhaps below vomited a Fan soldier and then can't gave us the opportunity at that time.
White dollar light some worried, suddenly, he a grind teeth a way:"Seven Langs, rather we directly take down the stone fortress city, we have explosive and deep-fry his Niang."
"Is impossible!"
Li not and immediately objection way:"The overhanging cliff of stone fortress city contains 600 Zhang Gaos, how may go up explosive hurl, even if have lapidating machine don't go as well, say again.The explosive pack runs into an overhanging cliff to then drop down by himself/herself, and deep-fried oneself person!"
"Can secretly send a person to climb up, wrap explosive where blind side inside."The Li non- dollar gift defies a spirit way.
"Say in brief.That underneath of 5,000 enemy soldier?"
"Like, not be contending for!"
Li Qing An drank:Person, he way:"The river Nie battle isn't the battle of my one Li Qing An, 150,000 Tang the soldier is in conjunction with a battle, the elder brother comfortable commander in chief has already deployed one by one, if I rob an achievement battle.Take down stone fortress the city isn't so bad, if take not to come down, mistake Long right overall situation.I Li Qing An's load don't rise this responsibility, don't say again, again good opportunity we can not be greedy for, either achievement.Launch while waiting four more!"
He"shout"s that the ground blows to put out a candle and picks to open debt Lian to come out, to the Li non- dollar the gift and white dollar light way:"Four launch more.We can set out in the midnight.After a while use the explosive wraps of the task hand over to old white.The old Li is responsible for to intercept to vomit a Fan soldier, my order only has a 1 of, anyway, canning not let and vomit Fan the soldier support stone fortress city."
"The end makes Zun!"
"The old Li has a number.The mistake was not!"
The 2 people's arch hand in a hurry went, Li Qing An slowly returned overdo, stare at north, he can look beyond dimensionless Qing Lake field ice from here and also have that continuesly mountain range, as long as own troops launch, Ma Zhong Ying's main force then will saw at once, don't know that Dong Yan Guang can drag along to vomit a Fan soldier main force.
When Li Qing An's troops insert after the red Ling mountain, elder brother 60,000 main forces of the comfortable Han also arrived to schedule to position, in addition to 30,000 Longs the right soldier is outside.Still have the river the west and the Shuo is square each 10,000 people of soldier, totally 50,000 battalions, prepare to be strong to offend stone fortress of city.
The elder brother comfortable Han stands at ten in the side of medicine water of outside, far and far look beyond this drive Ai Ai white the male fortress of steep pole overalied by snow, Anne's imitating a Buddha is the absolute being of the Mao cow of plateau in a head of Qing Lake, that towering back suddenly gets empty in the half and guarded the only main route of traveling over the red Ling.
If offend not next stone fortress the city isn't only a river Nie battle failure.It is also the end of his elder brother comfortable Han official career.Is there this male fortress hasing already let to cover Jia luck, Wang Zhong Si to nurse a grievance ending,is also the end of the comfortable Han of his elder brother?
Not!Even if dead drop many troops to also want to take down it again, "a achievement become ten thousand bone Hus" from time immemorial be such.
The facial expression of elder brother comfortable Han becomes an abnormality rigorous.He turns head to ask a way:"Is more several?"
"Report back commander in chief.Already midnight."
"Like, issue on order Zhang Shou Yu and Gao Xiu Yan, midnight 3:00, launch an attack punctually!"
The elder brother is comfortable the sky of the noodles toward staring at west, he lightly sighed an one breath and soliloquized a way:"Li Qing An can intercept to vomit Fan reinforcement, the whole depend you."
Red Ling north, a postpone Mian 20 insides of vomit Fan battalion just and vastly and mightily to north military advance, in the troops.Reach firm road to respectfullly ride right away, keep visiting toward the stone fortress city direction, he still feels one silk not satisfactory.But problem is where, he is temporarily still surprisingly.
Always think in his heart, the elder brother's comfortable Han strategic target should be a stone fortress city, is the target of first stage at least.If he is a comfortable Han of elder brother, he after willing definitely take down stone fortress first the city then is at every step a camp.To the Shi non- Chuan and nine song military advances, at have never taken down stone fortress the city before and then take the offensive greatly non- Chuan, anyway isn't a great commander BE.
Reached firm road to sigh tone respectfullly, the great Pu had already completely accepted a general situation theory of knotting the interest still, think greatly non- Chuan the importance is at the stone fortress city, he turns head to see one eye the from a distance great Pu treads Nian, he understands great Pu very much, once the affair affirmed, very difficult change, unless the affair that makes him gnash teeth with hatred takes place and for example kills his daughter's Li Qing An.
Wait a minute!Reach to tie the road respectful brain an inside such as the flash across of the lightning stone fire sort is a mind, Long Ju Dao's Tang Jun has what function, the elder brother comfortable Han absolutely can't without cause build city on Long Ju Dao and affirm have a function, if walk according to the step in nowadays, Tang Jun on Long Ju Dao basically had no meaning.And Long Ju Dao's Tang Jun or from Anne the west patrol soldier leader Li Qing An lead, that is Tang Jun whom an is good at surprise attack very much to get.
"Surprise attack!, Reach firm road to respectfullly and suddenly turn head, the vision tightly stares at stone fortress city, he suddenly understood, must be so, Li Qing An's function be from the red Ling behind surprise attack stone fortress city, but Tang Jun at red Ling north the line increased a soldier be for adjusting to walk the vomiting of red Ling Fan soldier, stone fortress city after mountain, now only 5,000 soldiers.
Reach firm road respectfullly and immediately whole body cold sweat.He imitated a Buddha to see stone fortress the city be attacked and occupied by Tang Jun of scene.Cannot compare with a deliberation, he is malicious to take out to fight Ma Yi Bian.Adjust head to great Pu of not the Nian run fast but go to.
"Great Pu!"
Reach firm the road respectfullly and loudly yell, the red Zu is virtuous great just asleep, suddenly be reached firm road the respectfullly sharp fierce cry voice waked up with a start, unclear didn't quickly have some in his heart.Then answered an outside tunic, came out a big debt to ask a way:"What affair like this nervous?"
"Great Pu, the tiny minister just thought clear, a target is still a stone of the pleased soldier fortress city, Long Ju Dao's Li Qing An woulded be the strange soldier whom Tang Jun deploys."
"Do you like this say having what basis?"The red Zu is virtuous great be not really believe to reach firm road respectful words.
"The minister is a quick wit to thought of, should be so, Tang Jun Bu controls north line, just one guide an enemy it account."
"Reach firm road respectful general, Tang Jun has 100,000 battalions in the north line, can you say of Li Qing An only have 231000 destriers, do you say that I am to believe 100,000 people?Still keep believing 231000 people?Unless Tang Jun suddenly withdraw troops, so I just believe, probably idea of Tang Jun really not at greatly non- Chuan."
"This......"Reaching firm road is respectfullly and pretty much difficult, he ponders a way:"Great Pu, otherwise I send 5,000 troops help to guard stone fortress city, just in case."
"Can, sending 5,000 troops can."
Reaching a respectful net of firm road has to return to adjust a soldier, at this time, the distance spread an urgent clop, a patrol speeds since then, he rushes great Pu to reach firm road the respectful in front loudly report to report:"Report to report great Pu and general, Tang Jun goes down south battalion suddenly the north withdraw and returned to red Ling to the east."
"!"The red Zu is virtuous great to get a shock.His consciousness arrives firm road respectfullly is to, north line Tang Jun Be just a bait, Tang Jun real of a target is still a stone fortress city, not etc. reaches firm the road is respectful to open mouth, he then roars loud a way:"The whole army adjusts a head to the south and enters hair to the stone fortress city!"
80,000 vomited the empress brigade of Fan battalion to become an ex- brigade, vastly and mightily to 200 inside outside of the stone fortress city kill
Midnight 4:00, leave four to more still have 1:00, white dollar light anxiously the title hope stone fortress city, still pitch dark one of stone fortress city, at clear in the dark moonlight, sees it the huge figure tower aloft in the sky, there is no one silk action.
But he leads of 500 people have already got ready ten small scaled lapidating machines, this is in advance the patrol to choose good position, a net well can place ten grass nests of small scaled lapidating cars, several outsides, would be deeply mountain Ao of reaching to 50 Zhangs, but mountain Ao the underneath then intensively vomit a Fan army camp debt.
Is another to be responsible for block up to cut vomit Fan person of the 1,500 people troops is led by the Li non- dollar gift, their Zhang Gong takes arrows, the empress back circle shield, waist chair horizontal knife, hide 300 outside a mountain beams of the opposite at the mountain Ao back, waits for an explosion voice ringing out.
The night is silent terrible, front having a kind of war approach of nervous and depressive, Li Qing An then raise a head face west north stare at.He has the felling of a kind of bad omen.Vomit Fan to stay the support stone fortress city of 5,000 people, Ma Zhong Ying can neglect temporarily, but he soon can respond to come over, should send battalion to aid, the key can press to account to deliver at the elder brother comfortable Han small take down stone fortress city on schedule by noon, ease own pressure.
"General see quickly!"
Suddenly the soldier points at stone fortress the city excitedly yell, Li Qing An lifts up head to hope to go, sees stone fortress city up a war signal Be flaming to set alight, the red bright flame dashes forward horizon, the square number is all clear inside 100 insides it is thus clear that.This is the alert, this is the signal for asking for help, and this is the bell that a war prologue pulls.
"The order that spreads me begins!"
Tang Jun, who is already a long time depressed, launched, they sparked explosive to wrap fuse, ten lapidating machines shoot at the same time and tossed ten explosive packs mountain Ao,
The fuse emits the white smoke of Chi Chi, in the sky madly burnable, to straightly fall in in the mountain Ao, this Xuan, in the mountain Ao of vomit a big camp of Fan inside anxiously the bell knock ring, this is also the sentinel and discover the alert of stone fortress city, a burst of greatly disorderly in the encampment.
At this time, from the sky but the explosive declining wrapped to like forty explode, the astounding explosion voice almost falls a valley earthquake, the huge impact dint lifts numerous tents to turn over, confusion medium of vomit a Fan soldier immediately death and harm is big slice of.Numerous people drive deep-fried fly.The cripple limb breaks arm to hang in the treetop edge, the explosive a per, immediately after abandon a big camp, continuously violent explosion.Deafening explosion voice sad and shrillly bellows a voice.The Ai call of in the article of death front.
The kerosene of throwing down starts spreading combustion.The tent is sparked, the fire lends breeze power and became the ocean of one fire in the mountain Ao, numerous soldiers are all over fires, they open upper arm to run about wildly, didn't run several steps then a head of fall down, be slowly burned curl to get up.
Is extreme of frightened cover with in each one to vomit Fan of in the soldier's heart, make them crary,beats by dre studio, one in the big camp hysterically screams hysterically to scream madly and tramples each other to wildly flow out to the mountain Ao but go, many once took part in Long Ju Dao to battle of vomit Fan soldier is also a neigh cry."Thunder in the sky!The celestial spirits got mad!"
Vomit Fan the soldier is thoroughly crary, they are only a mind in all public, blunt!Rush out mountain Ao, far absquatulate to leave red Ling.
But they just rushed out an entrance to valley, had already waited for in the arrows volley of Tang Jun Qian here and needed not to take aim at.Shot into to intensively vomit Fan soldier, because of matter suddenly, mostly vomit Fan the soldiers didn't come of and cover with padlock son A, immediately fall on the ground big slice of, in the wail slowly dying.
Vomit Fan the chief commander talk about to hide Qi eyes all urgently red.Twice and equally suffer to make him have already realized that this isn't the celestial spirits to get mad, but Tang Jun's lightning flash thunder, he strongly and loudly yells, "don't be hasty, isn't a celestial spirits get mad, Be steady to live for me!"
Unfortunately his cry voice takes turns at the leaf the soldier's frightened crazy interjection seem to be so faintly, the moment was then drowned by the explosion voice.
About 100 theories hide the close soldier of Qi to push he up war horse, they are fierce to take out to fight a horse, once hurtled flaming wildfire.The disease rushes from the blind side of a rock precipice but is directing to intercept of the Li non- dollar gift one eye then see this cavalry, this was the chief commander of enemy's soldier to appear, he shouted at top of voice and lead 100 well-known scholar the soldier flicked long-handled sword to face up.The theory hides Qi of several regardless of life ground to close soldiers hurtle into troops Tang five, put together dead to fight.The Li non- dollar gift drive 3 vomit Fan 100 men Be long to surround, he helplessly looking at a theory to hide Qi and more than 20s to vomit a Fan soldier to kill a blood road and unexpectedly breaks through several depths besieged.
The Li non- dollar gift wildly roars to grow three 100 men to kill one by one.Treat him to make track for past, theory's hiding Qi has already been missing a figure.
Though Tang Jun makes every effort to intercept,still has several hundred beg to living mightiness of vomited a Fan soldier to break through to intercept line.The full mountain time is wild to rush to escape everywhere.
Li Qing An then leads about thousand people at two in the outside lived to lead to stone fortress the city go to road, severals are alone to escape come of vomit a Fan soldier, drive they entire number shoot-to-kill.At this time.The color of the sky already leads five more, the sky has already appeared one silk green clear color, there shouting to kill a voice to gradually change the task that they ambuscade along with the mountain Ao will soon complete.
Li Qing An twists a head then hope to go to the stone fortress city, war signal still at blunt sky of burnable, burnable must more the Zhi is a little bit strong, light Mars on the city at shining, this shows positive Mo war in the city front of stone fortress vehemence.
The south Ji cloud runs to come over a soft-voiced way:"General.Take advantage o the sky didn't°yet be bright, we from back the sneak attack stone fortress city."
Li Qing An smiled to smile, in the mountain Ao so like forty explosion voice, the big point of flaming combustion, also have what sneak attack can talk, he contemplated slice Xuan, though the behind is opposite front it is easy to climb mountain the mountain but speech, still steep and matchless.Particularly vomit a Fan soldier have already there been preparation.His troops of 3,000 people is just too little, go up white to give away dead.
At this time, Li Qing An is sudden if have feeling of hope toward northwest direction to go, just red Ling northwest several in addition to inside, the stars lights the light of fire of point to suddenly shine, more and more, gradually remit an as long as 20 several in of the light take fire to flow.
Li Qing An's eye pupil constringency became a front line.Vomited a big brigade of Fan soldier back, number far far above his imagination, his hand tightly kneads at the haft of horizontal knife on.This once was the stone fortress city bad general cover Jia luck of wore knife, this made the knife bringing he today will what, is a honor or a death?
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